ENRG Helps Drillers & Operators Prepare for & Remain in Compliance
As municipalities become aware of the potential adverse effects of oil and gas operational noise, regulatory requirements to monitor and minimize operational noise become more stringent. For example, in Texas, the City of Fort Worth recently adopted new noise regulations as part of its drilling ordinance.
The City of Fort Worth now requires an approved Noise Management Plan for every drilling permit within its jurisdiction. As part of the Noise Management Plan, a 72-hour pre-drilling Ambient Noise Survey is required that includes at least 24 hours of weekend sound monitoring to document representative ambient noise conditions. For well permits granted within 600 feet of an identified Protected Use area, the City requires continual noise monitoring during all phases of well completion and production. The City of Fort Worth Gas Inspector will issue immediate citations if a Protected Use lodges a complaint about noise and the operator is not in compliance with the approved Noise Management Plan.
ENRG is poised to assist operators with compliance of these new regulations. ENRG has been performing Ambient Noise Level Surveys and developing Noise Management Plans for drillers and operators in the Barnett Shale area for nearly three years. ENRG field crews are knowledgeable and use ANSI-approved noise level meters as required under city ordinances. Our technical sound reports are easy to read and contain quality, defensible data.
For continual monitoring requirements, ENRG’s new Noise Monitoring Terminals provide clients with the ability to self-monitor their wells 24/7 via the Internet, enabling them to make quick operational changes if noise levels grow out of compliance, minimizing the potential for Protected Use complaints and citations.
Beyond noise data services, ENRG also helps its clients by developing appropriate Landscape Design Plans that are often required by cities as part of the drilling permitting process. If needed, ENRG can also handle the installation and maintenance of the landscaping at the drill site should it be required by city ordinance.